i remember waking up to the shouts of my brother: "what the hell, where's the internet!"
and so i quickly got off the bed, switched on my computer...and joined him in shouting.
and we realised the phone wasn't working, neither was the SCV
it was then my mom came in and told us, starhub was doing some upgrading/renovation in or block so there's a cut in starhub services for the day.
i'm sorry, but no internet practically means death for my brother and i. no computer? that's worse than death, its descending straight to hell.
somewhat like that. just exclude exam periods. so lets just hope my brother doesn't hog the com all day and night in hongkong! since he's a lazy bum and doesn't want to bring his laptop. i still have to watch 5 other drama serials in hongkong...
that's all the commotion in my house today, nothing special happened, either. i've been dilligently doing my english assignment. yes, assignment without the "s". how unproductive, again. it'll be a week plus before i leave for hongkong, but not to fret, you won't have to miss me, because i'll still be online :D
yesterday i went for choir choir and after that, leongying accompanied me to paya lebar to get my dress for farewell! thankyou leongying for staying there for an hour plus with me! :D sorry if you reached home late, i'm so sorry! D:
but idk, the more i look at it, the more i think it doesn't suit me. its like, when you wear it and look into the mirror, it actually looks nice and fine, cause the cutting's quite nice! but when you consider my personality, it quite doesn't suit me. i'm not sure if i'm ready to uhh, change my image yet haha.
i'll reconsider! maybe i'm more of a white and pink person[don't get me wrong, i don't like pink, it just so happens pink looks nicer on me. MY FAVOURTE COLOUR IS WHITE! sometimes black, green, brown or blue :D ]
but anyway leongying! its been a long time since i've been shopping for clothes with a goal in mind, nice going with you! ^^ lets go again sometime to shop for other stuff heehee!
i'll stop here for today! i want to finish majo no jouken by tomorrow! :D
ls: hihi nice seeing u too! haha study hard and i'm expexting to see u next next year in vj! ..

ls: hey i also slept late and wake up super early this morning for no reason!
{haha hopefully! :D i'll work hard for vjc man! ^^ LOL! good we're the same yo! hahaha}
ashley: HELLO EMMA FUNG im currently in e airport using e com! e kb suxs hell n e internet is uber slow! RARR! anyways see u in a week kk!

{HELLO ASHLEY LEONG! OMG YAY BRING ME KIMCHI OKAY! :DDDDDD heehee i had no internet for alot of hours hahaha, airport internet sucks right! SEEYOU! :D}
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